Don't know what a varp/varbit is? I explain it all in my blogpost here.
The tool consists of a simple shell script that just runs the included jar with the passed button ID as the sole argument. It's not foolproof, it's not idiot-proof, I don't care for it to be.
You can get a copy of the tool here.
Use it like
Code: Select all
./ 97
It will produce output like
Code: Select all
if (VARP[165] > 28) return 2; if (VARP[165] == 0) return 0; return 1; }; if (arg0 == 66)
This sample output shows that the VARP being checked for the quest whose button ID is 97, is varp 165. It is checking if the value of the varp is above 28, and returning the complete value (2) if it is.
I can get into a whole rant about how our quest system isn't exactly correct in how it decides to update the varps, but nonetheless this method will help you find the information you need to make a quest work correctly.
In the constructor for a quest, you would use this information like this:
Code: Select all
class ExampleQuest : Quest(NAME, 98, 97, 1, 165, 0, 1, 29)