WARNING: Playing around with camera values may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Please use care when discovering camera values.
Hey ya'll,
Have you ever wanted to explore the absolutely wonderful world of the RS camera system? Well today's the day! The camera system is used for many things, such as cutscenes, region viewers (scry/viewing orbs in mini-games), and some item interactions. Below there are drop down menus to find information on that specific camera movement. I will be periodically updating this post with more information/camera types whenever I can.
The RS camera system can be manipulated in multiple ways such as:
They can even be combined to create custom camera movements!
int yaw = inboundBuffer.ig2();
int tracknum = inboundBuffer.g2();
int pitch = inboundBuffer.g2();
yaw = takes values from (0-65535), the yaw rotation of the camera. tracknum = useless value (interface related) pitch = takes values from (0-65535), the pitch rotation of the camera.
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WARNING: The SHAKE camera values may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Please use care when experimenting with camera values.
Examples: After looting the barrows chest, some quests, etc...
The shake movement type uses the players current camera to produce fun, and sometimes ill-inducing, effects!
If we take a peak client sided, we can see exactly what values we can use to manipulate this camera:
* All camera shake types were found by facing the camera North using
* these values:
* Type [0-4] Jit: 0 Amp: 0 Freq: 128 Speed: 2
enum class CameraShakeTypes {
TRUCK, // (0) camera movement from left to right
PEDESTAL, // (1) camera movement vertically up to down, fixated on one location
DOLLY, // (2) camera movement forwards to backwards
PAN, // (3) camera movement horizontally, fixed on a certain point
TILT // (4) camera movement vertically, fixed on a certain point
jitter = takes values from (0-255), the jerkyness of the camera. amplitude = takes values from (0-255), the vibration/oscillation of the camera. frequency = takes values from (0-255), the allotted limit of how far the camera can go in a certain direction. shake4/speed = takes values from (0-65535), the speed at which the camera moves
The shake camera method (will soon be found) can be found in PlayerCamera.kt - method 'shake'