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Demon Slayer Drain is Unreachable

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:14 am
by Valpuri
The drain outside of the Varrock palace kitchen is not able to be reached for the purposes of using a bucket of water on it. It's possible to search the drain, which procures the, "I should find a way to flush this," dialogue, but actually attempting to use the bucket of water on it results in the player moving to the square south of the drain (or west if inside the palace) and the message, "I can't reach that." This results in being unable to obtain the rusty key and therefore Silverlight, making the quest incompletable.


Re: Demon Slayer Drain is Unreachable

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 11:27 am
by Byte
Hi Valpuri,

This is already a known issue. Thank you for reporting!