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Pyrr - RS3 Accounts

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 2:25 pm
by Pyrrhonius
Hey all!

Dylan and I were discussing RS3 accounts on the discord and Celery suggested we continue the discussion here! I stopped playing Runescape, or what is now RS3, back in 2008. While I predominantly stick to remake/preservation servers, I've been playing two accounts on RS3 lately to see what it has to offer. As I said in my Introduction post, I love self-restricted accounts. That's why both of my accounts are restricted Ironmen!

First, Pyrrholaw is my Free-to-Play Hardcore Ironman. I made this account roughly two years ago and casually play it. This account will ALWAYS be Free-to-Play, so my goals are to 99 the available skills, complete all available quests, get Gud Raider armor, and get all the drops from the three available Free-to-Play bosses. This account is super fun to play and I highly recommend playing a similar account if you are on the fence about RS3.

Second, SandyPyrr is my Desert-only Hardcore Ironman. This account is more recent and was inspired by Kathaar's series on Youtube. This account is members and was made to experience some RS3 bossing and the city of Menaphos. I've always loved the desert quests and the city of Menaphos always felt so mysterious. This account gives me the opportunity to explore new parts of RS3, while not being as overwhelming as an unrestricted members account. The goals on this account are currently to complete available desert quests, get 20 smithing and 30 farming via Anima Island lamps to unlock training methods for those skills, and get the Tuska Warpriest armor as my hybrid armor set. Long term goals include 99's, maxing Menaphos reputation, and eventually Heart of Gielinor bosses. This account is super fun and is what I play on most frequently!

Feel free to add me on either account in RS3 if you play! :D

Re: Pyrr - RS3 Accounts

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2024 8:37 am
by Helen McCarty
It was interesting to hear about your two Ironman accounts! I like the idea of ​​self-restricted play and will be testing a similar account in the future! :) :)