Redditors (archive[2]) are already speculating this is why Jiggleflex has been aggressively pushing content to boost their KPIs (similar to what Reddit with banning 3rd party apps and recreating the "Place" event pre-IPO). Some quotes:
Well now it makes sense. A new skill release to inflate player numbers. An aggressive monetization scheme to pump up KPIs to make it look more lucrative investment. Devs being mostly silent as they're scrambling for some appeasable solution while being put between a rock and hard place by community and owners. Hopefully I'm wrong.
just to be clear, ive been pointing this out for years. most investment companies only plan around 5 years ahead when looking at profit or investments. the carlye group has owned jagex for 2.5-3 years now, so its totally expected that in the next 2 years or so they would be looking to sell it, unless the carlyle group thinks jagex will still be relevant in another 8 years. this is why they are so MTX heavy the sole goal is to milk as much money from the existing player base as possible.
the exact same thing has happened to dozens probably hundreds of other video games, theyre sold off by the developer, the new owners are an investment company and their sole goal isnt to grow the game, its to make as much profit as possible in around 5 years and then sell it off for as much as you can (maybe after holding a bunch of fresh start world events or whatever that artificially boost membership numbers and play times)
the fact people thought this wasnt the fate of runescape is insane. ive had arguments in this sub before with people arguing that "no the carlyle group wants to make runescape successfull long term its why theyre making new skills and constant updates". that isnt how an investment company thinks, they arent game developers they only care about profit. it would be different if say jagex was purchased by activision or ubisoft, game developers are the ones who care about keeping the game running, because they see value in the IP's they invest in. the carlyle group probably sees little value in the runescape IP beyond what their annual profit is.
The OSRS community sentiment was equally realistic. While there currently exists no playable-ly decent open source RS3/OSRS remake, it's possible one will spawn should things far enough south. In either case, the real storm (if any) is 6-12 months out, so let's keep our eyes peeled.Lol, of course the necro and hero pass were meant to inflate apparent future potential of the game by manipulating stats