It's an ode to Jagex complacency. They have the ability to detect bots via the client, but they don't want to. I talked about it with quotes from Mod Mat K (the original head mod of OSRS)
So the end result is this - I'm botting on a detectable client, but Jagex won't ban me until I trip a secondary metric (goldfarming, egregious results leading to a manual review, etc). The problem is I'm running a sophisticated enough bot to not trip the secondary metric, and Jagex in particular doesn't like banning mains for botting.
(It's not sourced in the above linked post, but Jagex has also said on numerous occasions they don't ban autoclickers/mouse recorders abusers because there's they don't actually gain anything from banning these people).
I don't know if I'll get to max, but I definitely expect 1750+ TTL before a ban. My theory for the challenge end is one of the following, most-likely first:
- I get bored and bot something more reckless
- I get bored and quit
- The script malfunctions and does something super low-quality goldfarm bot-like for 12+ hrs while I'm AFK
- The script gets enough attention from gold farmers that I get lumped in with them
- I get manually reviewed and banned for near-max high stats but no bosses/minigames and low QP
There's also a point I want to make - It's that my main on 2009scape is a more impressive feat than my main on OSRS. We all know 2009scape is harder, and we all know OSRS buffs diminish goals every year - but it's also that OSRS is filled (or can easily become filled) with cheaters, and I don't mind exposing that.